We got you covered. With E-Connect, you can do more than just connecting with your guests, customers, prospects and leads. Manage your sales and marketing today with our CRM application and paddle your way to the top. We show you how!!!
Experience The Best with E- Connect
Monitor your leads and turn them into prospective customers with E-Connect. Manage your sales lead workforce with intuitive features from E - Connect. 
Make Your Customers Feel
Involved and Satisfied
Email marketing is still a great way to nurture your guest relationships. With periodic newsletters, promotions, packages and specials, entice your guests to consider returning to your property for their birthday, anniversary or other recreational occasions. Connecting with your guests and customers is key. Nurturing relationships will endear your customers to your brand and business - And for sure, they are going to spread some word around about your organisation. Not only customers - Your leads and prospects are equally important for the growth of your business. You need to listen to your clients, observe their responsiveness and react accordingly. Plan a strategic way to get to your clients - Adjust your behavior and correspondence in a way that will cater to their pattern of preference. With the powerful E-Mail promotion tool that E- Connect offers, go beyond boundaries to get connected to your clients, leads and prospects!!
Keep Your Data
Organized And Accessible!
Monitoring and Maintaining Customer/Leads information is of prime importance. Maintain an accurate database of your clients and leads - This is where you can hit a high!! Proper planning, recording and updating contacts gives you a clear picture of the status of correspondence you have made with each prospect/customer. Also, analyse the characteristic of each lead and group leads of similar preferences. This will help you categorise your leads effectively and address every category in the way they prefer to be. With E-Connect's Mass E-Mail reports, get to know how responsive your customers are. Stay on the stretch throughout your lead lifecycle and we assure you, You'll Close Deals in a way you have never been!!
Message Center - Personalize Your Messages!
Do you think Customer Relationship Management is a daunting task and might steal most of your time? Never. Every Lead and acquaintance you get connected with on a daily basis is important, because they might become your valuable customers. So every correspondence needs to be paid attention to, with utmost care. That's not daunting - E-Connect helps you to communicate effortlessly with your leads in no time. Auto E-mail feature helps you to automate your responses to a group of leads and customers. With Message Center, compose new mails and read responses from your clients within your CRM. You don't have to go anywhere. We have everything in. A comprehensive solution as E-Connect is just the right tool you need to multiply your leads and keep your business on high.
Sales Lead Management - Go over the benchmark!!
Need your sales quotient to reach a benchmark? With E-Connect, discover interesting areas to cater to the right leads and prospects. If you ask how? With the amazing integration of PMS and E-Connect that go hand in hand, pay more attention to communicating effectively with your guests, clients and leads. Opening the lines of communication with your customers gives you direct market reaction about your organisation/property. You would be able to gauge customers' interest in your business and close deals faster.
E- Connect CRM gives you the best of everything that you need to keep your guests,customers happy and to make more deals. Lighten yourself with the effortless customer gaining strategies and powerful tools of E- Connect. Experience our CRM and believe in the likelihood of a business growing beyond threshold. Call us and get a free trial today!!